we are away till 19th March on a material hunting trip, all orders received will go out 1st class on my return

Stylograph Green Vintage Pen Rod

The Turners Workshop Vintage Pen Rod

 Stylograph Green


Size of Blank:-  


Outside Diameter 12mm


Inside Diameter 8mm


Length 130mm 


This material is Similiar to some of the 1930s Stylograph Pens

In stock

The Turners Workshop Vintage Pen Rod

This material was sourced by two world renowned pen collectors back in the 1990s.

It came from the Pen making factory of the Caltagirone Family in France, The Turners Workshop bought all of this material, from the pen collectors.

The rod is from Circa 1930s-1955

Material is Cellulose Acetate.

Modern Plastics don’t come anywhere near to the depth of colour and warm feel of this material.

Please do not buy this material if you are a novice as it needs to be taken care of, it is nearly 100 years old.

When I make pens out of this material, I slowly drill the interior to the required inside diameter,

Glue with thick CA glue, polish with Micro Mesh Pads (wet) down to 12000 grit.

Just don’t allow them to get too hot.

Absolutely Beautiful Material