we are away till 19th March on a material hunting trip, all orders received will go out 1st class on my return

Pen Disassembly Punch Set

Salvage your pen parts, replace components, exchange components and help avoid buying new pen parts with this versatile kit. Disassembles nearly all pen and pencil kits with tubes and components of any size. Includes 28 rods from 3/32" to 17/32" in diameter including rods small enough to feed through twist mechanisms to pop off pen tips and rods large enough to remove components from very large pens. Complete instructions included

Out of stock

Salvage your pen parts, replace components, exchange components and help avoid buying new pen parts with this versatile kit. Disassembles nearly all pen and pencil kits with tubes and components of any size. Includes 28 rods from 3/32" to 17/32" in diameter including rods small enough to feed through twist mechanisms to pop off pen tips and rods large enough to remove components from very large pens. Complete instructions included