we are away till 19th March on a material hunting trip, all orders received will go out 1st class on my return

Light Orchid Cellulose Acetate

Light Orchid Genuine Cellulose Acetate

Size of blank 20mm x 20mm x 200mm

Cut larger for custom pen makers

One of my auction lots from the sale at the Conway Stewart factory

In stock
Light Orchid Cellulose Acetate

Light Orchid Genuine Cellulose Acetate

Size of blank 20mm x 20mm x 200mm

Cut larger for custom pen makers

One of my auction lots from the sale at the Conway Stewart factory

Found in the mezzanine area with other sample materials

There is nothing to compare Cellulose acetate too for pen making, it has a lovely warm, soft feel to it,

genuine Cellulose Acetate like this has an Acetate smell whilst turning/polishing,

This material will finish to a fantastic shine