we are away till 18th Dec, all orders received will go out 1st class 19th/20th Dec

Blue Cross Type Refill

Black Cross Type Refill

Supplied by Starminen

99p each, if you require more than 100 get in touch

If you want to upgrade or replace your refills Swiss made quality

C1 International Ball Pen Refill

Tungsten carbide ball abrasion proof

Documentary proof


Tropical proof


Conforms to: ISO 12757-2 DOC

European Council Directive 2004 on the adaption of the twenty-ninth Directive 67/548/EEC


##Swiss Ordinance on Utility Articles (GebrV SR 817.04) provisions relating to aromatic amines

Manufactured by one of the finest refill-producers worldwide

In stock

Black Cross Type Refill

Supplied by Starminen

99p each, if you require more than 100 get in touch

If you want to upgrade or replace your refills Swiss made quality

C1 International Ball Pen Refill

Tungsten carbide ball abrasion proof

Documentary proof


Tropical proof


Conforms to: ISO 12757-2 DOC

European Council Directive 2004 on the adaption of the twenty-ninth Directive 67/548/EEC


##Swiss Ordinance on Utility Articles (GebrV SR 817.04) provisions relating to aromatic amines

Manufactured by one of the finest refill-producers worldwide